Cat Grass

Get the low-down

Being a mother of 3 cats I have discovered it highly beneficial to keep cat grass in my living areas where my fur babies can easily access it. It’s not until I researched safe plants for cats that I discovered cat grass, which offers many nutritional benefits that a cat on a normal carnivorous diet doesn’t get.

Firstly, what is cat grass

Cat grass (or, catgrass) is the term used to describe several different types of grass which are well liked by cats. There are a variety of types of grass that are popular with felines, listed below are the advisable ones to keep in or around the house:

  • Dactylitis
  • Glomerata (Orchard Grass or Cock’s Foot)
  • Avena sativa (common oat, cat oat)
  • Barely
  • Wheatgrass

So why do our furry friends eat cat grass?

Being carnivores, cats are lacking the group of enzymes required to process grass and other herbs, causing them to regurgitate it during digestion. When this happens it may also expel inedible material like hairballs or fur.

Cats also like the taste of cat grass. I find my cats most mornings on my balcony sniffing at, and grazing on their cat grass. It’s like their morning cup of tea.
Cat grass can also act as a laxative which will also assist in voiding indigestible items. And as a bonus, cat grass contains folic acid which aids in functions such as metabolism, increased oxygen in the blood and keeping your kitty nice and healthy.

Where can I find cat grass?

Most plant shops and garden centres, Bunnings and other hardware stores and some pet stores. It’s super easy to grow so if you grab some seeds you can grow it in a pot. Just add potting mix to a pot, sprinkle seeds on top and then cover with soil and press down softly. Then add some water, sit in an area that catches sunlight and water it when it dries out (usually daily). You should notice some sprouts within a week or so. Once you have sprouts that are about 3-5cm long you should place the grass in a spot that your cat can access.